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Zoiper for Android

The following are instructions for how to download and set up Zoiper for your Android device:

  1. Download ZoiperBeta from the app store.
  2. The app will then open on the Account setup.
  3. Enter your username and password (see below).
  4. Click Create an Account.
  5. Select next and accept the default for the hostname.
  6. Skip "Authentication and Proxy."
  7. It will then test configurations - if it fails all then select SIP UDP.
  8. You should now be set up and ready to take and make calls.

Both username and password are available under devices in the babblevoice console.


Takes on the form extension@domain

extension@domain takes on the extension found in devices and the domain is your babblevoice domain, for example The username you enter into Zoiper will look like


Here you choose the device that you wish to use. If an extension is already used by a real phone, then create a new one. Do not try to have both Zoiper and a Polycom (real phone), for example, logging into the same device.

Highlight the device that you wish to use Zoiper for by clicking on it and then scroll back to the top of the screen and click Edit.

The password you need is the secret - copy it and paste it into the password box on Zoiper.

If you have any problems or queries with this then please get in touch.